Family Law

Family Law

Family law practice is unique in that it helps us not only to advocate aggressively for our clients in Louisiana but also to get involved in their lives and develop a personal bond. If you are struggling with a domestic issue, or have questions about the process of family law, we encourage you to contact us immediately. We promise a compassionate and non-judgmental approach to dealing with your question and can offer unparalleled representation in Louisiana.

Our practice is devoted to representing clients in family law. We offer decades of experience in all domestic law areas which quickly interrelate with each other as the case progresses. For example, it’s not unusual for a client to come to us to modify a visitation order, only to find out about an underlying child support or custody issue that needs to be unraveling.

Edward B. Jones & Associates, LLC Family Law Practice Areas

As you explore the various representation options in Louisiana, we hope you will be giving Edward B. Jones & Associates Family Law the opportunity to advocate on your behalf. Within the following areas we offer representation and assistance:

Divorce : Divorce proceedings can range from peacefully friendly to hotly contested, and we can assist you through the process whatever your situation may be. We offer full-service representation to help settle child support, custody (i.e., legal decision-making), parenting time, spousal support, and division of property and debt.

Mediation : Mediation is often a quicker, less expensive and ultimately a better way to solve any family law issue. If you agree that mediation may be an option, our office will clarify the process and help mediate your specific issues. 

Child Custody & Visitation: If you need to modify a current order, or want to create an initial agreement for custody and visits, we can support. Custody and visitation are known under law as “legal decision-making” and “parenting time” and we will ensure that your rights and your children’s best interests are upheld.

Spousal Support: Spousal support is often a key issue in divorce proceedings. We will help you to establish, change or terminate a spousal support order.

Child Support: Whether you’re paying or receiving child support, our office can guide you through the initiation, enforcement, modification or challenge of a child support order. We also help clients with child support arrearage problems and may be eligible to claim back child support under some cases.

Consultation with your Patterson, LA Lawyer

Call us at (985) 399-5944 or fill out the form.
If you have any questions regarding your personal injury, family law or criminal defense case in Louisiana, please get in touch with us right away. We will be happy to provide you a consultation to explore your legal options.
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